“Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai Palm Beach” was a dream pursued by a set of enthusiastic gentlemen who saw the potential of starting a service club for the benefit of the fast-growing community of residents settling in Navi Mumbai on the periphery of the beautiful palm beach road.
Although efforts started from early 2011, procedure delays came on the way and the club charter was obtained only towards the end of the year. The club was sponsored by Rotary Club of New Bombay Hillside under the leadership of president Rtn. Pramod Mishra. The charter was approved by RI on 14th October, 2011 with 26 charter members. The charter was officially presented by the then district governor Rtn. Vijay Jalan on 30th
October 2011 as District 3140.
Our charter president Dr. Mahesh Kumar with “Force Eleven” as a theme given by his DG Vijay Jalan started with road safety promotions at various places in Navi Mumbai. As this was the first year of Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai palm beach, bringing in new members was also one of the goals and the team did it well.
Rtn. Prabhakar Nigam took over the president ship from 1 st July, 2012 and with the theme “Champion” given by his DG Bal Inamdar, he stabilized the club and focused on inducting new members. Along with new members target, he also focused on team building. Later he along with team made Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai Palm Beach Trust and became the managing trustee.
Rtn. Harsh Makol took over the leadership from 1 st July, 2013 and set new benchmark for Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai Palm Beach. Having vast experience in rotary since his childhood, he managed to touch many lives by conducting medical camps for underprivileged, donating wheel chairs, providing disaster aids, taking road safety projects, adding new members to the club. By taking PR and PI seriously, he managed to sponsor a new club in Navi Mumbai (Rotary Club of Satellite City Navi Mumbai). He received highest growth and new addition awards ffrom Rotary international. Lohri a district event started in his year and since then Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai Palm Beach is organizing Lohri every year.
Rtn. K.P. Shenoy started his year with “WoW” as theme given by his DG Ajay Gupta. In his year, he managed to arrange 200 survival tents worth $40,000 and distributed in flood 6 effected areas in Jammu and Kashmir. He took part in international disaster management arranged by rotary international. He arranged medical camps and did medical projects.
Rtn. Anu Mishra took over the leadership from 1 st July, 2015 and as the theme given by her DG Subhash Kulkarni was “Peak” , she took our club rotary club of Navi Mumbai Palm Beach to peak by adding maximum members in her year. She arranged small activities for the members and aimed on bonding. With many projects in and around Navi Mumbai president Anu Mishra 1st women president of Rotary club of Navi Mumbai Palm Beach nurtured the club and made it run.
Rtn. MJ Rajababu was 1 st president of our club when district was divided. Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai Palm Beach became part of District 3142. With “Numero Uno” as a theme given by his DG. Chandrashekhar Kolvekar, he started the year and made a sister club in Australia and also hosted the Australian club in India. He also hosted friendship exchange family from brazil. In his year, he managed to install a sky hydrant in Shahpur with help of Australian club.
Rtn. Akshat Chaudhari took over the leadership from 1 st July, 2017. With “Star” as a theme given by his DG B.M Shivraj. He worked on Global Grant for sky hydrant and managed to get the grant for 9 sky hydrants. Many service projects were conducted. Also bonding within the club was taken care and focus on club meetings was a priority.
Rtn. Ajay Saluja took over the leadership from 1 st July, 2018. Theme “Perfect” was given by his DG Dr. Ashesh Ganguly. Installation of 9 sky hydrant took place in his year and each sky hydrant is capable of providing 10,000 litres water every day, serving around 10,000 lives. 25-wheel chairs and sewing machines were donated during his year.
Rtn. Manoranjan Gupta with a theme “SMART” given by his DG. Dr. Mohan Chandavarkar smartly started his year and could manage to complete more than 100 service projects by the end of his year. Naming few of them – food packets to underprivileged families. Sanitation of hutments in Taloja, providing clean drinking water, menstrual hygiene programs and kits distribution, segregation of waste, medical camps and distribution of medicines and cancer awareness camps. He also managed to get global grants for PPE kits during Covid and also arranged oxygen concentrator. During this tough time, he arranged food for men in action (police) and carried disinfection against corona virus in various police stations, Bal ashrams and orphanages.
Rtn. Sujaya Rai started her year during Covid from 1 st July, 2020. As the theme was “Josh” given by her DG Sandeep kadam, she served the entire year with josh. Starting from vaccination drive, she could manage to provide vaccine to more than 1500 residents 7 in and around Navi Mumbai. In this tough situation she conducted blood donation camps, informative online meeting on menstrual hygiene for specially-abled. She could manage to distribute more than 5000 grain packets to underprivileged. 6 ventilators were donated to hospitals and an ambulance for emergency service. Even though, year is full of Covid, Rotary club of Navi Mumbai Palm Beach could manage to complete more than 100 service projects under her leadership.
Rtn. Sandeep Sahni took over the leadership from 1 st July, 2021. “Smile” was the theme given by his DG Dr. Mayuresh Warke. In his year Rotary club of Navi Mumbai Palm Beach could manage to donate 26 oxygen concentrator and Bipap machines to various hospitals. Could manage to donate 14 ventilators to hospitals in and around Navi Mumbai. As this was also Covid year, under his leadership Rotary club of Navi Mumbai Palm Beach could manage to provide 2000 plus vaccinations in industrial areas.
Rtn Amit Vithal Hanamghar took over as President for RY 2022-23 with theme. “FAB” by his DG Kailash Jethani. The year marks in the history of the club as Rtn Harsh Makol from the club has been elected as District Governor for RY 2025 – 26, making first DG from Navi Mumbai. Large number of projects were undertaken during the year across all avenues of service.
Rtn. Rajanikanth Naga Venkata Vurimi took over as President for RY 2023-24 with theme “Excellent” by his DG Milind Kulkarni. The year saw the club grow my miles and bound. The highest TRF ever and the value of projects was immense. Club executed not only domestic but international projects durign the year.
Rtn. Naseema Akhtari has taken over as Preseident for RY 2024-25 with theme "AWESOME" under the able district leadership of DG Dinesh Mehta.
The club has a website: https://rcNaviMumbaipalmbeach.rotaryindia.org . The website is updated regularly to promote its activities and publicity. The Club has a LinkedIn page www.linkedin.com/in/rcnmpalmbeach and a Facebook Page.